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Hello GSA Parents!


Welcome to the GSA! I know we are all here to help our children have a productive 2024-25 school year.


The GSA Booster Club is a parent led nonprofit organization that supports the GSA in many ways:


  • providing funds for activities, education, field trips, and travel grants

  • coordinating student events like socials and the end of the year banquet

  • volunteering to help the GSA teachers


Joining the booster club is the best way you can support your child!


With your membership, you will stay up to date on what’s happening in the GSA and it’s a way to meet other GSA parents. Together we will make a difference!


So please take a minute and click on “Become a Member” to join the GSA Booster Club today! Your small donation will ensure a successful year for our children!



GSA BC President

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